Axel is 5 | Birthday Blog


5 years. I'm teary-eyed thinking about my baby being 5 years old. He has been a literal sunshine in our lives and I get to wake up to this smile every morning. 

Besides the immense amount of pain my body would go through with just a 10-minute car ride, while pregnant with Axel, the rest was easy sailing. I knew he was going to be my chill child. Although, he was as a baby and toddler... Boy, has that changed! He is definitely getting more independent with each day, which breaks my heart, but he is the wildest little ball of energy. He's our high-pitched child and with every spine chill he gives us with his high-pitched squeal there is a belly laugh that follows that can cure any depression in the world. He really gets the jokes from me. He can make anyone laugh even if sometimes it's just himself. I get that humor though. Ha! 

The more he watches his brother, Roman, the more he tries to be just as "big" and independent, but I love the moments when he just wants snuggles from me. When he acts like he is my tiny little baby still. Thankfully, they still happen a lot. He may be mischievous but he has a heart of gold. 

He continues to be more and more like his mommy. You can find him playing a video game, napping, and snacking on seaweed. He has a love for pasta and bread, like his mommy too! He is the best little brother even if he pesters a little too much. His heart is caring when asking for Roman or asking when he'll be home from school because he misses him too much! He makes me so proud and I'm blessed to be this little boy's mommy. xx

P.S. check out his Among Us theme party. He absolutely loved it! If you watch the vlog, you'll hear him say for his birthday he wants "cake, presents, & fish!" It came from nowhere on the day of so we had to scramble and come through with new fishie friends that the boy's named Pogo and Fuse. 

xx - Ally 

I also have a Lifestyle channel on YouTube! Have you checked out my most recent upload? 

Instagram: @allisonhunt_2
Vlog Channel: ROAXE
Beauty Instagram: @allybrianne_mua
Beauty Youtube: AllyBrianne
Beauty Podcast Instagram: @withasideofbeauty
True Crime Instagram: @caffeinecrimepodcast
True Crime Podcast: Caffeine & Crime
True Crime Blog: Caffeine & Crime

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